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Skillful Potato Salad
Category: Month push new dishes
Date: 2019-07-19
Click: 108
Author: Chubang
Raw material:350g potatoes, 30g diced meat, 30g chopped sea rice/shrimp rice.Seasoning:Chubang Garlic Chili Sauce 30gProduction Method:1.


Raw material:

350g potatoes, 30g diced meat, 30g chopped sea rice/shrimp rice.


Chubang Garlic Chili Sauce 30g

Production Method:

1. Put the whole peeled potatoes into the steamer to steam them and let them cool;

2. Break the cooled potatoes into irregularly sized pieces, add 30 grams of diced pork, 30 grams of chopped sea rice/shrimp rice, and 30 grams of Chubang garlic chili sauce and mix well;

3. Serve on a plate and garnish.

Dishes Features: Salty, slightly spicy, unique flavor

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