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Pan-fried strips with peppers, kimchi caviar
Category: Month push new dishes
Date: 2019-07-19
Click: 105
Author: Chubang
Kimchi Caviar:250g kimchi water, 2.6g seaweed gel, 1000ml mineral water, 6.5g calcium powderProduction Method:1. Fry the cooked scallops until both sides are golden;


Kimchi Caviar:

250g kimchi water, 2.6g seaweed gel, 1000ml mineral water, 6.5g calcium powder

Production Method:

1. Mix the kimchi water and seaweed gel thoroughly with a hand mixer and let it sit to remove the foam, or place it in the refrigerator for 12 hours;

2. Mix mineral water and calcium powder and set aside;

3. Use a caviar generator to drop the prepared pickle juice into calcium water (or use a sauce pot to drop into calcium water) to form caviar;

4. Filter the prepared caviar with clean water;

5. Marinate the scallops with salt and black pepper, vacuum and cook at low temperature 45 degrees for 15 minutes;

6. Fry the green pepper until the surface turns tiger-skin color, remove the skin and chop into small pieces; set aside;

7. Take a bowl, add chopped green peppers and seasonings to make a branded pepper, mix well and set aside.

8. Fry the cooked scallops until both sides are golden;

9. Shape the chopped pepper into an olive shape with a spoon and place on a plate;

10. Add the fried scallops, garnish with caviar, organic seedlings and flowers.

Dishes Features: A perfect combination of molecular cuisine and traditional cooking methods.

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