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Pan-fried prawns with scallion oil and pumpkin puree
Category: Month push new dishes
Date: 2019-07-19
Click: 128
Author: Chubang
Add 50 grams of pumpkin puree, 10 grams of scallion oil, 15 grams of light cream, 1 gram of refined salt, and 1 gram of Chubang chicken powder. Fry the prawns and put them on top;


Raw material:

180g prawns, 5g egg white, 50g pumpkin puree, 15g light cream


10 grams of scallion oil, 1 gram of refined salt, 1 gram of Chupang chicken powder, a little black pepper, 2 grams of microgreens, 100 grams of brandy, 1 gram of seaweed gel, 5 grams of calcium chloride, 1000 grams of water, 100 grams of cornstarch

Production Method:

1. Peel 180 grams of prawns, remove the heads and tails, wash and sizing with 100 grams of cornstarch, 5 grams of egg white, and 1 gram of refined salt;

2. Add 50 grams of pumpkin puree, 10 grams of scallion oil, 15 grams of light cream, 1 gram of refined salt, and 1 gram of Chubang chicken powder. Stir-fry it thoroughly and put it on a plate. Fry the prawns and put them on top;

3. Mix 100 grams of brandy, 1 gram of seaweed gel, 5 grams of calcium chloride, and 1,000 grams of water. Mix and drop into a roe shape, then scoop it onto the prawns. Garnish with microgreens and serve.

Dishes Features: Shrimp meat is delicious and colorful.

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