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MeiWeiXian Original Sun-Dried Straw Mushroom Dark Soy Sauce

Series specifications

    The sauce is rosy in color and has good coloring. It is brewed with selected raw materials and has a thick body. Just a few drops can make the dishes bright red in color. Dishes cooked with raw sun-dried straw mushrooms and dark soy sauce have a rich sauce aroma, mellow taste and a long aftertaste.


Recommended recipe


Ginkgo mushroom

    Ingredients: 50g winter mushrooms, 5 ginkgo biloba

    Ingredients: 10 grams each of onion and ginger, 100 grams of thick soup, 5 grams of Chubang soy sauce, 5 grams of delicious fresh sun-dried straw mushrooms and dark soy sauce, 10 grams of sugar, 2 grams of cinnamon, 3 grams of Chubang pure sesame oil

    Production process:

    1. Soak the mushrooms in water and use a round mold to round them and set aside;

    2. Sauté chives, ginger, and cinnamon in a pot, add 100 grams of thick soup, 5 grams of delicious fresh sun-dried straw mushrooms, dark soy sauce, 5 grams of Chubang soy sauce, and 10 grams of sugar, and mix thoroughly;

    3. Drain the mushrooms, drain them, and marinate them in a pot until seasoned. Drizzle with Chubang's pure sesame oil and put on a plate;

    4. Season the ginkgo carvings with salt water and place them on the plate to garnish.

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