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MeiWeiXian Original Sun-Dried Soy Sauce

Series specifications

    Selected Northeastern soybeans are naturally fermented and dried in the sun. When used in cold salads, stir-fries, stuffings, steamed fish, and dipping, the original flavor of the ingredients can be retained and the freshness can be enhanced; helping you cook at the chef level at home. delicious.


Recommended recipe


Honey eel

    Ingredients: 250 grams of white eel

    Accessories: 100g shredded ginger

    Seasoning: 20 grams of delicious fresh sun-dried soy sauce, 150 grams of honey, 40 grams of Chubang seafood sauce, 2 grams of salt, 2 grams of Chubang onion and ginger cooking wine, a little sugar, a little pepper,

    Production Method:

    1. Wash and slaughter the eel, remove the middle bones, remove the head and tail, and leave the meat clean;

    2. Cut the eel meat into 7cm*3cm lengths with a flower knife, add salt, sugar, pepper, Chubang onion and ginger cooking wine and marinate for 20 minutes, then add cornstarch;

    3. Delicious fresh honey sauce: 20 grams of Chubang delicious fresh soy sauce, 150 grams of honey, 40 grams of Chubang seafood sauce, heat and stir evenly;

    4. Wrap the marinated eel in batter and fry in oil until golden brown and crispy;

    5. Add the delicious fresh honey sauce prepared in advance to the white eel, stir-fry evenly and add the fried ginger shreds.

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