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MeiWeiXian Superior 9° Rice Vinegar

Series specifications

    Strictly selected ingredients and carefully brewed, it has a mellow sour taste, sour but not strong, sour but not astringent, fragrant but slightly sweet! While seasoning, it can maintain the true nature of the original ingredients.


Recommended recipe


Apricot Crispy Shrimp

    Ingredients: 500g sea white shrimp

    Accessories: 10 grams of almond slices, 5 grams of sweet beans

    Seasoning: 100 grams of white sugar, 8 grams of salt, 20 grams of honey, 70 grams of Chubon pure rice vinegar, 60 grams of delicious fresh 9° rice vinegar, 25 grams of syrup, 20 grams of starch, appropriate amount of Chubonte pure peanut oil

    Production Method:

    1. Boil sugar, salt, honey, Chubang Pure Rice Vinegar, Delicious Fresh 9° Rice Vinegar King, and syrup to make a juice; set aside;

    2. Cut off the shrimp gun, shrimp whiskers, and shrimp eyes from the sea white shrimp, cut them from the middle, remove the sand lines, and set aside;

    3. Heat the Chubonte Fragrance Pure Peanut Oil in a pot until it is 60% hot. Pat a little starch on the incision of the shrimp, fry it until it is set and take it out. When the oil temperature rises to 70% hot, put it in the pot and fry again before taking it out;

    4. Add in the sweet beans, fry them slightly and take them out;

    5. Leave some oil in the pot, pour in the prepared juice and simmer until thickened. Add fried shrimps and almond slices, stir well, garnish with sweet beans and serve.

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